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Transition Tool Kit

관리자 2019-12-13 10:59:49 조회수 518

Transition Tool Kit


미국 ‘Autism Speaks’에서 발간한 <Transition Tool Kit> 자료입니다.

출처. Autism Speaks > Help & Information > Information by Topic > Transition to Adulthood > Transition Tool Kit




. Self-Advocacy

1) What is Self-Advocacy?

2) How Do We Teach Self-Advocacy Skills?

3) Person-Centered Planning


. Developing Independent Living Skills

1) Ten Ways to Build Independence

2) Teaching Daily Living Skills


. Planning for Transition

1) Transition Planning and the IEP

2) Getting Started: Preparing for the Transition IEP Meeting

3) The Transition Meeting

4) Steps for Creating a Transition Plan

5) Diploma Options

6) Evidence-Based Predictors for Post-School Success


. Legal Matters to Consider

1) Health Insurance

2) Guardianship

3) Special Needs Trusts

4) Support Programs


. Community Living

1) Picking the Right Activities

2) Travel Training

3) Safety

4) Preventing Abuse


. Employment and Other Options

1) Preparation

2) Types of Employment

3) Job Matching and Searching

4) Workplace Skills

5) Other Options

6) Additional Resources


. Postsecondary Educational Opportunities

1) Types of Postsecondary Education

2) 504 Plans

3) Differences Between High School and College

4) Choosing the Right School

5) Self-Advocacy in Postsecondary Education


. Housing and Residential Supports

1) Where Do I Begin?

2) Models for Residential Support

3) Funding Options


. Health

1) Finding the Right Doctor

2) Metal Health

3) Personal Hygiene

4) Puberty and Sexuality


. Technology

1) How Technology Can Help

2) Social Media and Internet Safety

3) The Importance of Digital Literacy

4) Assessments


. Conclusion


. Resources