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Medication Decision Aid

관리자 2019-12-13 10:57:44 조회수 596

Medication Decision Aid


미국 ‘Autism Speaks’에서 발간한 <Medication Decision Aid> 자료입니다.

출처. Autism Speaks > Help & Information > Information by Topic > Medication Resources > Medication Decision Aid




. How Can A Decision Aid Help You?


. Is This Decision Aid For You?

1) This decision aid is for you if ...

2) Using this decision aid can help you


. What Are The Options?


. Comparing The Options


. Considering Personal Benefits And Risks


. Clarifying Personal Values

1) First consider some of the reasons FOR giving your child medicine

2) Next, consider some of the reasons for NOT giving your child medicine


. Which Way Are You Learning?


. What Do You Need To Feel More Ready To Decide?


. What Are My Options?

1) Now that I have reviewed the information, what are my options?

2) How sure are you about your decision?


. Frequently Asked Questions About Autism

1) What is autism?

2) What is the cause of autism?

3) Is there a cure for autism?

4) What might the core symptoms of autism look like?

5) What are the long-term outcomes for children with autism?

6) Are there common health and medical problems?


. Medications And Side Effects

1) Medicines used

2) Side effects of medicine

3) Common reaons medicine is recommended

4) Table of standard medication choices & potential side effects


. Besides Medicine, What Are The Other Options?