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Grandparents Guide to Autism

관리자 2019-12-13 11:05:41 조회수 934

Grandparents Guide to Autism


미국 ‘Autism Speaks’에서 발간한 <A Grandparent’s Guide to Autism> 자료입니다.

출처. Autism Speaks > Help & Information > Information by Topic > Family Support > A Grandparent’s Guide to Autism




. Introduction


. About Autism

1) What Does Autism Look Like?

2) What Causes Autism?


. Reaction to the Diagnosis


. Your Role as a Grandparent


. Support for Your Grandchild with Autism


. Support for Your Child


. Taking Care of Yourself


. Five Tips for Grandparents of a Child with Autism


. Long-distance Grandparenting: 8 Ways to Stay in Touch with Your Grandchild with Autism


. A Letter to Grandparents of Children with Autism