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Challenging Behaviors Tool Kit

관리자 2019-12-13 10:54:53 조회수 640

Challenging Behaviors Tool Kit


미국 ‘Autism Speaks’에서 발간한 <Challenging Behaviors Tool Kit> 자료입니다.

출처. Autism Speaks > Help & Information > Information by Topic > Behavior Challenges > Challenging Behaviors Tool Kit




. Why is Autism Associated with Aggressive and Challenging Behaviors?

1) What is helpful to know about behavior?

2) Function of Behavior


. Why is it Important to Do Something about Challenging Behaviors?

1) What are some Challenging Behaviors Commonly Displayed by Individuals with Autism?

2) Less Common Challenging Behaviors


. Who Can Help? What is this Idea of a Team?

1) Team Members to Consider

2) Things to Look for in Your Child’s Team

3) How and Where to Find a Team

4) Funding Sources


. What are the Things to Consider?

1) Physical Concerns

2) Mental Health Considerations

3) Medication

4) Behavioral Considerations

5) Other Concerns to Consider


. What are the Positive Strategies for Supporting Behavior Improvement?

1) Adapt the Environment

2) Use Positive Behavior Supports

3) Teach Skills and Replacement Behaviors

4) C.O.P.E.S.


. What might I need to know about Managing a Crisis Situation?

1) Have a Plan

2) Managing a Crisis at Home

3) Managing a Crisis at School

4) Mananging a Crisis in the Community

5) How do I know it’s time to get more help?


. Long Term Solutions: What if we just can’t do this anymore?

1) Where can we learn more?

2) Family and Caregiver Training


. Challenging Behaviors Glossary