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First Concern to Action Tool Kit

관리자 2019-12-13 10:52:55 조회수 658

First Concern to Action Tool Kit


미국 ‘Autism Speaks’에서 발간한 <First Concern to Action Tool Kit> 자료입니다.

출처. Autism Speaks > First Concern to Action Tool Kit




. Understanding Your Child’s Development

1) What should I know about my child’s development?

2) When should I be concerned?


. Talking to Your Health Care Provider

1) How do I talk to my health care provider about my concerns?

2) What happens during the visit?

3) What is an autism screening?

4) How do I prepare for the visit with my child’s health care provider?


. Getting a Formal Evaluation

1) What if my health care provider indicates that I need a follow-up specialist visit?

2) What does a typical evaluation through the Early Intervention System look like?

3) What are my rights?

4) What are the costs?

5) What sort of assessment will my child receive?

6) What can I do while I’m waiting?


. What if My Health Care Provider Says “Autism”?

1) Why is it important to act early?

2) What early intervention therapies are currently available and do they help?

3) What can I do when my child is not getting intervention services?


. Other Things to Know

1) What if it isn’t autism? What now?

2) Do children or adults diagnosed with autism ever move “off the spectrum”?


. Tools and Resources for Families